Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm coming to terms with a difficult concept to accept: Materialism & love of money is a sin. Now, I'm not the type of woman who wants the nice clothes or designer purses or expensive makeup. But I do like to buy stuff. My biggest downfall is probably electronic-related devices. For example, I found myself looking up the Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, which are about $200/ea. Last night at Ember, we talked about idolatry and trusting in anything else BUT God. While Joe was giving this great word on this topic, he said "Did you see a bunch of U-Hauls following Michael Jackson's casket? No. Sorry guys, the stuff doesn't come with you".
Zephaniah 1:18,
"Neither their silver nor their gold
   will be able to save them
   on the day of the LORD’s wrath.”

So why would I want to buy anything I don't "need'? Why should I want items that will never be of value in the long run? Shouldn't I be donating my time and money to furthering the kingdom of the Lord God Almighty, who is the only thing that DOES matter in the end??

I don't want to waste my money buying stuff. I need to trust God completely with my finances. If I hear Him telling me to donate my money to further His kingdom, you best bet I'm gonna do it!
It's just difficult when I live in a world that focuses on materialism. Shoot, I live in a home where my mother is always wanting more...wanting more money, wanting more stuff....but trying to tell her that stuff doesn't matter would be of no help. That materialism can be contagious. I'm praying for my heart for God to grow bigger than my heart for my family, so that I do not follow their worldly ways, but follow the way of the Lord. Please pray for me in this issue, if you get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all like to spend's just that we ought not to rob God as we do it.

    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
