Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer Revival

So I know I haven't posted in awhile..sorry about that.

Lately, I've been reading the book City On Our Knees by Tobymac.  It's so good! There are many many stories of people getting out of their comfort zones, crossing boundaries, all to unite humanity in Christ. The section I'm in the middle of now, is full of stories of prayer revivals. They tell of how a few people would start meeting on a weekly basis, just to pray for others or for the revival of their city..and their prayer meetings would continue to grow until a full-fledged revival actually happened! How encouraging that God can revive an entire region just through prayer meetings!!!

However..many of these prayer meetings happened in the 1800s-early 1900s. Where have we been this past century?!? Look around...our world is filled with hate, with crime. Driving around Toledo, I see people all the time begging for money or food on a street corner..and I watch so many people just pass by (I'm guilty of this, myself).  WHY does this have to happen?!?! God made us all...and if we look beyond the surface-level boundaries dividing us, we'd realize that we're all very similar at heart. We shouldn't allow ethnicity, social class, etc. to divide us. God has been placing this subject heavily on my heart lately. Let's be real..this country needs revival. Humanity needs revival. We can be one big family..yet instead we choose to draw battle lines.

While I'm very pleased to see a few of my friends getting involved in prayer revivals (Brandi and the Trine Revival, Savannah and Bound4Life, and Ryan and pureJUSTICE), I'd love to see EVERYONE praying for revivals. I know it can be discouraging. In fact, all of the stories in Tobymac's book started off discouraging..nobody would show up for the prayer meetings, it wasn't catching on, etc. But within months, it all started growing. See what can happen when we persist?

I'm not giving up on this subject. God has placed it on my heart. Revival can happen, when we come into agreement together in prayer. Don't be discouraged if revival doesn't take place immediately..God works in a timely manner and calls us to be patient.

If this is a subject that's caught your attention or has been weighing heavily on your heart too, please let me know :)

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! Prayer Revivals! :) That's so awesome that God has also laid this on your heart like He has laid it on mine :)
